Paul Bowles on Music
Includes the last interview with Paul Bowles
Edited by Timothy Mangan and Irene Herrmann
University of California Press
ISBN: 0520236556
Isa Kremer, Vocal Mime, Heard at Carnegie Hall


Isa Kremer, Bessarabian vocal mime, was known to audiences here prior to her five-year-sojourn in Buenos-Aires, from which she recently returned. Her public manifestly has not forgotten her, for a large number of spectators gathered last night at her Carnegie Hall recital, and they were load in their appreciation.

Miss Kremer's art cannot properly be called singing, nor was she billed on the program as a singer. The effects she makes rely fully as much upon gesture, bodily movement, facial expression, and stylistic vocal mimicry as upon the normal properties of vocal expression in music. When she sang a lullaby, she sat in a chair and rocked an invisible cradle, or held an equally hypothetical infant in her arms and stroked its head; when she sang Russian sailors' songs, she swaggered about in front of the piano with her hands behind her and pretended to have a cap on her head.

The program was marked in its variety of material. Among the heterogeneous items offered were a group of soldiers' songs; songs in American Negro dialect, in Yiddish, French, and Russian; and another group of old Russian folk songs. Ivan Basilevsky assisted at the piano.
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 Last updated : 2008-06-21